How to Zoom in CLI Packet Tracer


How to Zoom in Cli Packet Tracer

In Cisco Packet Tracer CLI (Command Line Interface), there isn't a native zoom function directly within the CLI itself. However, you can achieve a zoom effect by using the zoom functionality of your computer or Packet Tracer application. Here’s how:

1. Zooming the Entire Packet Tracer Window

  • On Windows:
    • Use the Ctrl + Plus (+) or Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up to zoom in on the entire Packet Tracer interface, including the CLI.
    • Use Ctrl + Minus (-) or Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down to zoom out.
  • On macOS:
    • Use the Command () + Plus (+) to zoom in.
    • Use Command () + Minus (-) to zoom out.

2. Adjusting Font Size in the CLI Tab

  • Open the CLI Tab of the device in Packet Tracer.
  • Look for the Settings or Options menu (usually represented by a gear icon in Packet Tracer).
  • If available, change the Font Size under the CLI settings to increase text visibility.
You can follow this article to learn more How to Increase or Change Font Size in Cisco Packet Tracer 

3. Using Operating System Accessibility Features

  • Windows Magnifier:
    • Press Windows Key + Plus (+) to activate the magnifier and zoom in on the CLI area.
  • macOS Zoom:
    • Enable Zoom from System Preferences > Accessibility > Zoom, and then use the shortcut Option + Command + Equals (=) to zoom in.

4. External Display Settings

If the text appears small due to a high-resolution display, adjusting your screen resolution or scaling in the operating system settings can make the CLI text appear larger.

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